3- Mia Cara

Ahad's POV

"Good morning" I greeted amaan while calling him. I am on my way to his mansion.

"It's afternoon, ahad" he said in his not-so-sweet tone.

"Same same"

"I am coming" I said with excitement.

"I have to tell you something" he said with a 'cooperate-with-me' voice. I know this man.. He only talks softly when he mess up things.

Last time he talked softly with me when he burned my shirt on my convocation day!!!

Something is fishy.....

"There are girls"

"Girls are everywhere, amaam" I said in a duh-tone.

"In my mansion. Gonna live with us for some days. There are total 3 of them..--- So we have to cooperate with them!!! And we fo-und Yasir's girl. So come on... Curse me later, bye" he said in a go declining the call.

The time when I understood Evey information he gave me. I was lightened up like literally.. I flirt with every girl. So living with girls is not a problem... Until they are not ugly.

I moved in the mansion.. I mean a silent mansion..Everyone is sleeping maybe... Yasir and Amaan are in Amaan's office.

So, I moved in kitchen grabbing a glass to take some water.

I sensed a presence behind;; I turned back and the person was going to hit me.. What a Welcome!!!

I grabbed the hand in which the jug was held and looked at the person.. It was a girl. A familiar girl!!

"Calm down Mia Cara, I am not a thief" I said in my oh-so-famous flirty tone. She looked at me recognizing me "you askhole"

"Yours and only yours" I leave her hand. How will I live with this girl for 12 days like WHY GOD WHY???

"You are a intruder. Get out or I am going to call-- oh what his name??" She whispered the last sentence under her breath.

"Amaan" I said sheephisly.

"Yeah.. Right!! Amaan I will call him. How do you know him?? Don't tell me you are the third guy!! Like oh my god... One is 'don't talk to me' guy and the other one is 'whipped for my girl' and the last is-" I place my fingers.

She is referring amaan to 'don't talk to me' guy. Then who is the 'whipped' guy?? Don't tell me she is talking about Yasir.... Oh my fuck-god-ing did he found his girl!! That's a good news. I thought my friend will remain unmarried for his whole life...

I placed my finger on her lips shutting her off. She glared at me while I royally shrugged it off.

"Kitna bolti ho tum" I sarcastically remarked.

"That's not the point.. What are you doing here" she raised her one eyebrow while taking a step back.

I moved forward while sheoved backward... Obviously because of me!!!

Until I caged her between cabinet and myself.

Its just a reference image.. Curse me later guyzzs

..read thr story firstIgnore the background....

"I am trying make my magic work on you.. That's what I am doing here" I said while maintaining the eye contact with her..

Now this is called intimacy. I love making her weak in front of me...

She didn't moved for a second... Then she bring some strength pushing me off... Walking away.

I didn't the way she walked away from me!!!

"Wait Mia Cara, I am myself going to call Amaan" I said stopping her.

"I believe that askholes like you be friend with that poker face" she said while going upstairs. I just watched her.

I moved to my room. Yes!! We have rooms in his mansion. Obviously.. You know bro code.... We have rooms in each others mansion or penthouses.

I called Yasir and he informed me that the girls will go shopping in the evening.. He offered me to accompany them while I refused because I am too tired to handle my Mia Cara!! I need some energy.


I am waiting for the girls in hall because Hala was pissed off because of Amaan's friend. She was not getting ready when Maryam decided to take that work.

I was scrolling through my phone when I heard a voice.. Sorry!! Choice of Wrong words: A scream..

"Amaan Amaan baby I am here" a girl entered in the hall screaming Amaan's name. What the hell girl!!! Are you going to make us deaf..

She stopped looking at me "who are you" she asked rudely.

"He's not here" I answered not bothering to look up.

"He is. Don't lie ms. Whatever" She said.

"Then look for yourself" I said gesturing her to move inside. I don't know but seeing her looking for Amaan is not helping my situation.


She moved upstairs after sometimes Maryam and hala came downstairs.

Looking ready to kill someone.

"What happened" I asked them while moving toward Hala's car.

"Don't even ask me... That bitch" maryam started looking at Hala.

"The girl" I said blankly. I started the car pressing the accelerator with break so that my frustration can go.

"Yeah.. She was a bitch. I am going to kill her next time. What does she think of herself?? Like she is a queen of somewhere. She think so highly of herself. She literally.. Accused us as gold diggers. She said that:- Amaan is rich that's why you are here" Hala said in a breath. Then she started again with her rants.

"She said that Amaan is her boyfriend and told us to stay away from him.. Like what the fuck!! Man" I am feeling betrayed right now... But I don't know why??

"That khan can go to hell for all I care" Maryam said annoyingly.

"Ohkk.. Let's forget her. Don't let her ruin anything. Like Maryam says" I looked at my girls..

"No one means no one.. Matters when you are with yours girls. Don't let anyone ruin the moments who doesn't even worth a penny of attention" Hala completed my sentence we laughed together.

She gossiped for sometime when we reached the mall.

Maryam excused herself when she got a important call while Hala was trying her dresses from the brand "INIZIO" like this girl is obsessed with this brand..

I entered a store beside "INIZIO" when I spotted a familiar figure standing there.

When I took a complete look, it was Amaan.

I was about to approach him when a girl throwed herself on him. "Look baby, there I like that one.. What do you think" again that same irritating voice.

I backed off without approaching him. I moved to another section of the store feeling hurted. I don't have the right to feel hurt..  I make myself understood...

I was looking for a dress when Hala approached me.

"You know I saw that girl clinging to Amaan" Hala told me.

"Where?" I asked being dumb.

"At that section" she pointed where I saw them.


After some bitching about them Maryam also joined us. We selected some clothes and headed toward trial room.

"We will get some more clothes. Till then try these ones" maryam said handing me clothes going toward Hala.

I tried some clothes when I liked one. I decided to show them.

I exit the trial room when I bumped into a girl.

"Calm down, you ruined my dress" she said.

"Sorry" I apologized trying to escape the situation.

"Hey, you are the same girl" she said.. Then I looked up ...she is that bitch in a dress.

"Amaan chose this dress for me" she said to me.. More like mocked me.

"That's great" I said moving forward.

"Hey!! Amaan, come here.. Look I tried the dress you chosed. How am I looking??" She said twirling.

"It's looking gorgeous" he said. He was not able to see me which was good for me. I just have to escape.

I walked forward leaving them behind so that they can continue their not-so-good drama.

I literally escaped the situation when someone caught my duppata stopping me while a husky voice said "Aap"

Amaam stopping ayesha..

Flimy.. Right???

What do you think about Amaan's girlfriend??

Ayesha conditions seems fishy..Right???

About maryam and Yasir.. Next chapter will be of them<3

Ahad and hala will be the most chaotic couple..



Signing off-  author_vaishz

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