8- Date in the shawl market

Ayesha's POV..

We reached the destination.. I was going to washroom when Amaan stopped me.

Flashback starts.(Ayesha's POV).

Someone stopped me tapping me. I looked at the owner, it was Amaan with a smug look on his face.

"What happened??" I asked him.

"I spilled juice on my Kurta"he explained. I noticed his Kurta, it had a stain of orange juice.

What was he doing? Is he a kid??

"I will not ask you how, but can you tell me why you called me because I am in a hurry!!" I think my periods has kicked in. Thats why I am talking so rudely?? But fvck it... I am having a cramp.

I didn't even carried tampons...what the fvck I will do??

He looked at me while saying "what happened to you??" Concern clearly visible on his face.

"Nothing.. Take this shawl!! Wear it" I handed him the shawl. Going away.

Flashback ends!!

Our trio were bickering about that Rahul because he was always around Maryam in the whole function.

Hala puked on ahad.. He has gone to change after that we will go back!!!

All of us were waiting for ahad when rahul approached us.

"Hey, I am Rahul.. Naam toh suna Hi hoga" he said precisely eyeing Maryam but he introduced himself to all of us. Amaan & Yasir also present here.

[Hey, I am Rahul you must have heard my name]

Yasir clenched his jaw after he saw that Rahul was looking at maryam for more than normal time...

Rahul forwarded his hand toward Maryam with a flirty smile "Rahul".

"Haan, suna hai bahut commom naam h" Instead of Maryam, yasir reciprocated the handshake with a firm grip, it must be hurting!!!

[Yeah, I have heard your name, its very common]


I didn't expect that coming..

Me & Hala chuckled. But shutter up when Maryam & Yasir gave a serious look.

"Can I have your number?" Rahul asked while Yasir clenched his jaw.. I fear that it might by looking at the force Yasir is applying.

"He is my boyfriend"Maryam said referring to Yasir. Leaving us all shocked.

"Ohh.. Still, I can have your number!" Rahul insisted.

"Look like we have a new friend.. Let us have a private talk" ahad dragged Rahul with himself while Amaan & Yasir followed him with a smirk.

We were about to follow them when Amaan turned "stay here" he said looking at men. I nodded bcoz its useless to argue with him...


"Did she just accepted that she is dating Yasir" Hala exxagerated it. I know Maryam said just to be out of that annoying situation.. But what's the hurt in teasing her!!

"I did it just that he can leave me" Maryam explained.

"That's a lie!!" I said innocently.

"shut up, we will talk later" she said angrily because she is damn.. Angry

Meanwhile, the men returned but Rahul didn't came back.

"Where's he??" Maryam asked. As Yasir was standing beside her. He leaned near her "Girlfriend, you don't want your boyfriend to fvck you out of jealously!!" He completed and Maryam eyes widened at him.

"Right??"he again asked.. This time he asked loudly enough to heard by everyone.

Maryam nodded not to extend the matter.

I heard that!!!!

Tea.. I love tea!!

We changed into comfy wears because we were not comfortable in wearing such heavy clothes.

When everyone gathered at the car. Without any further argument we seated at previous seating arrangement.

The car roared in life and my body was feeling more tired. As I seated on the comfy seat of Amaan's car. I decided to take a nap.

I thought to wrap the shawl around me provide me some heat.

"Where's the shawl??" I asked Amaan.

Amaan looks horrified.. Don't tell me he lost it!! I will not forgive him.

"I-I think I Los-t it" he said stammering in his sentence.

"Can you say it without smattering??" I am fvcking pissed off right now!!

"I lost it" he said.

"You did what?" I said loudly enough that everyone heard it.

"What happened??" Maryam asked me opening her eyes as she was staking a nap.

"He lost my shawl" I accused Amaan.

"It was unintentional" he said defending himself.

"Wasn't that your favorite shawl??" Hala aaked me horrified. She knows how much I love my shawls!!

"It is" I corrected her.

"Chill, you can but another one" ahad said. Can I just kill this man!! That grumpy face just lost my favorite shawl and he is telling me to not to say anything...

"Yeah, we can also buy you some piece of brain we you don't have"

Hala said.. & THAT'S MY GURLL!!!

"Even I lack the brain according to you but I have everything else a girl can ever dream of.. Wanna have a look, Mia Cara" he said winking toward Hala.

She shrugged it off.

"Like there's difference between men and boys.. There's also difference between women and girl" she said while glaring at him.

I didn't even noticed that ahad said girl. Hala is pissed off because of ahad I can tell just by looking at her.

Ahad is enjoying it. He loves to bicker with her.

"Haww, I know you concentrate on me so much that you noticed a single word I said wrong... Wow.." Ahad being ahad found his comeback.

Hala grunted "You can fvck off"

"Not without you" he said winking toward her.

Hala didn't replied instead she turned her face either side. Which means she ended the argument.

If she will not end the argument, ahad will not shut up. He will bicker with her while day..

I turned Amaan he was driving looking toward the road. I decided to stop talking to this guy because its worthless!!!

He doesn't care..

I dozed off after sometime..

Ahad's POV..

I got to know that rahul is flirting with Maryam in the whole function. Yasir was pissed off!!

When Rahul started flirting in front Yasir & Maryam announced Yasir as her boyfriend!!

That was unexpected...

But my brooh was too happy after that.

When I said that it was just to be out of situation..

He said "doesn't matter.. She said and that's enough"

My delulu friend..

Amaan lost ayesha's shawl and she is not well after that.. She doesn't talk much but express herself..

Like when she didn't argued with Amaan after he lost her shawl.. That shows that she don't wanna argue with him!!!

Mia Cara argued with me..  At last she stopped the argument knowing I am not going to shut up..

I love to annoy her!!

The car stopped..

"We are going to the market"Amaan said. I looked outside I saw a shawl market..

Did Amaan just stopped for ayesha?

Ayesha is sleeping right now..

Maryam & Hala smirked after they saw the market..

"As long as I remember you don't like to go to crowdy places??" Yasir questioned. Yasir and I thought the same..

"Should I not compensate to her.. I lost her shawl" Amaan asked them.

From when he became so gentleman?

As long as I remember he doesn't care about anyone unless its his family..

Everyone got out of the car except ayesha because she is sleeping.

Maryam tried to wake her up but she said that' if she will not sleep.. She will die.

Exaggeration dude exaggeration..

Then Amaan tried.. Maryam advised

"If you want to compensate, let her sleep.. She loves her sleep more than anything"

Yasir took the chance going toward the market with Maryam..

I looked at Mia Cara..

"I am not going with you"

"Let's go, Mia Cara"

"I don't wanna go with you" what does she mean by that??

"Do you feel unsafe with me??" She looked at me horrified.. Where did this thought came in my mind.


"Then don't fuck with me, Mia Cara & let's go" I grabbed he her hand following Maryam & Yasir.

I looked back I found Amaan staring at ayesha's sleeping figure..

( just imagine, guys.. I know you are good at it)

Amaan cares!!

I followed Hala when she entered a stall where jutti (desi shoes for women) were sold.

Maryam & Yasir went elsewhere.. I looked at the way I came from, not wanting to be lost in this market.

I noticed some boys were looking in her direction when I was standing away from her..

I stood behind her glaring them.. They flew away!!

Mia Cara turned and her head hut my chest.. "Heck, who put a wall here??"

She said rubbing her head.

"Its me, Mia Cara" I said with a brightest smile just to annoy her.

"What the heck, where are Maryam and Yasir?" She questioned me.

"Its just you & me, Mia Cara" she looked at a me with wide eyes.

"I am not with you.. Who knows you are a psychopath killer" she said going out of the stall.

I followed her.. This girl!! Can't she just stay with me..

"I don't know about psychopath killer.. But I am surely a psychopath lover" I whispered near her ear.

"Fuck off, askhole"

I didn't said anything.. She turned to look at me if I am following her or not

I smirked.

"Can't live without me" I said.

"You wish" she was going somewhere.

But wait where we are??

"Wait" I stopped her helding her wrist.

"Where's the route to get out of here??" We both said at the same time.

"You don't know the route.." She shockingly accused me.

"As if you know.." Sarcasm dripping..

"A man should remember the route" she said surprising me.. She consider me something even if she says the opposite of that!!

"But you said I am the boy" I chidedly said.

"Talking with you is like banging your head on a wall" She annoyingly said.

"You want to touch my chest"

"when did I said that?" She questioned me.. Where can you think all that.. Her eyes said.

"Didn't you compared wall with my chest, a minute ago" I explained with a smug smile across my face.

I love to annoy her.

"Let's go" she said grabbing my wrist.

"Where??" I asked.

"Just come" she said still holding my wrist moving forward.

"With you.. I can even go to hell" I said it was not flirting..

She stopped at a stall..

Food stall.

She asked for something. She started drinking tea.. Like literally.. We are lost & she is caring about tea

Anyway, she can have it and then we will go.

That Rahul flirted with Maryam.. That angered me but when Maryam announced me as her boyfriend.. I was on cloud nine!!

Ahad took Rahul in a corner.. We scared him off!! We just threatened him nothing more!!

When I followed Maryam in the market.

"Can you just leave me??"she asked annoyed.


"So, annoying" she huffed.

"I have a condition" I smirked.

"A date" I proposed..

She hesitated but "fine".

I don't know about her but I enjoyed a lot.  She did her shopping..

For ayesha also!!

"Let's go"she said.

"after you"

"My fake relationship come stop an end" she said happily.

"When did that happened" I asked while smirking.

"The date is completed" she remarked.

"I said date.. Date means when a guy approaches a girl then they have a dinner" I explained.

"You cheated" she accused me.. Cute.. Right??

"I didn't.  You didn't asked the rule.. Not my fault" I said.

We reached the car. Ayesha was still sleeping as we have just gone for 1 hour 30 minutes..

"Where's ahad and Hala" Amaan questioned. There is a chance that he got lost with Hala.. Let see who can come alive.. Seeing their banter I can tell that only one can survive when no one is there to stop them!!

"I don't know" I said.

"You know ahad is bad at routes" I remarked. In the case Amaan forgot that.

"Even Hala is" Maryam said.

What the fuck" they got lost in this crowdy place..


Your thoughts on the couples..

Maryam and Yasir are gonna set the stage on fire!!

Ahad & Hala are already everyone's favorite.

For Amaan  & ayesha. Its old school love so it has to be time taken. Vote. Comment.

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